Other people

© Stenkovec refugees camp, 1999
Early morning in May, 1999
Bringing fresh accounts of atrocities and worsening conditions inside Kosovo, more than 13,000 ethnic Albanians surged across the border here in the last two days, with possibly many more people behind them.Today 6,000 Albanians fled into Macedonia, continuing the largest exodus of refugees from Kosovo in more than two weeks.
Even as the new arrivals crossed the border today, United Nations officials were busy processing more than 7,000 Kosovo Albanians who arrived on Saturday.
Bringing fresh accounts of atrocities and worsening conditions inside Kosovo, more than 13,000 ethnic Albanians surged across the border here in the last two days, with possibly many more people behind them.Today 6,000 Albanians fled into Macedonia, continuing the largest exodus of refugees from Kosovo in more than two weeks.
Even as the new arrivals crossed the border today, United Nations officials were busy processing more than 7,000 Kosovo Albanians who arrived on Saturday.

© Border crossing, Blace at Kosovo/Macedonia border, 1999
Border crossing, Blace at Kosovo/Macedonia border, 1999